Author Archives: shelley

BERLIN: EINLADUNG > Erdforum-University of the Trees > TreffenGerne möchten wir euch einladen zu einer Zusammenkunft am Mittwoch den 2. September 2015 in Berlin.
Gerne möchten wir euch einladen zu einer Zusammenkunft am Mittwoch den 2. September 2015 in Berlin.
Zeit: 19-22 UHR
Die Versammlung ist für alle, die seit 2012 ein Erdforumtraining gemacht oder an einem oder mehreren Erdforumprozessen teilgenommen haben. Außerdem sind alle eingeladen, die an einer der University of the Trees Praktiken oder Veranstaltungen beteiligt waren.
Anliegen der Zusammenkunft sind:
1. Erfahrungen, Bedürfnisse und Interessen zu teilen
2. Mitglieder der UOT Kerngruppe zu treffen
3. Neue UOT Prozesse vorzustellen, u.a.:
a. Field of Commitment
b. Kreative*r Mitforscher*in in der UOT werden und den Wert
der Erfahrungspraktiken zusammen erkunden
c. UOT Mikrolabor in einer Region gründen, ähnlich wie die
4. Das neue Training für UOT Prozessbegleiter vorzustellen, und Möglichkeiten dies in Berlin anzubieten zu erkunden.
5. Den Wert einer UOT Basis, Treffpunkt / Arbeitsraum in Berlin zu erkunden
6. Über eine mög liche Zusammenarbeit zwischen UOT und Freies Museum zu sprechen; zu überlegen, ob dieses sich als Basis eignen würde; und zu erkunden, was der Wert einer solchen Basis sein könnte
7. Möglichkeiten und neue Wege für 2016 zu erkunden, u.a. die Beziehung zu anderen UOT-Gruppen
8. Nächste Schritte zu planen
Wir werden vom 28.-31. August mit den Citizen Art Days in Berlin und desweiteren vom 4.-6. September in Dresden arbeiten.
Wir freuen uns darauf euch am 2. September im Freies Museum zu treffen!
Bitte sag uns Bescheid wenn du vor hast zu kommen.
Wir werden drei tolle neue Reflektions- und Arbeitsbücher vorstellen. UOT Mitarbeiter Annelinde Kirchgaesser und Markus Stefan, die seit einer Weile in Entwicklung aktiv sind, werden mit mir kommen. Wolfgang Zumdick wird auch dabei sein.
Liebe Grüße
August 2015
In German only
Shelley Sacks and Wolfgang Zumdick in EVOLVE on Lebendigkeit: VOl 11, July 2016.
Full text in German
Press release
See Wolfgang Zumdick’s review of the new book by biologist Andreas Weber. Wolfgang’s review is in the current issue of EVOLVE magazine. The full text of the review – in German – is here.
evolve07_Zwischen den Zeilen_Zumdick_Weber
Other SSRU […]
Friday 4 Sept 2015
University of the Trees has been invited to introduce Earth Forum in Dresden. The first Earth Forum event on Friday 4 September is open to all.
If you would like to participate please contact Dirk Lehmann
![EF Bonn June 2014 cafe [training]](
Sat 5 and Sun 6 Sept 2015
This will be followed by a 2-day intensive training to enable people to begin to guide an Earth Forum process themselves.
Some of those trained this September in Dresden will guide Earth Forum processes at the UMUNDU festival in Dresden between 16 -24 October 2015.
[See details of the UMUNDU Festival for Global Sustainable Consumption]

To book a place and for all details
about cost, venue, time
please contact Dirk Lehmann
Parliament Square, London / 8 May 2015, 2 pm
UNIVERSITY OF THE TREES – in collaboration with BASIC INCOME, UK invites you to participate in an EARTH FORUM process led by Shelley Sacks.
EARTH FORUM is a social sculpture, connective practice involving a direct encounter with the earth, how we live in the world, and with each other. It enables new insights and exchanges on our notion of ‘work’ and what this does to us and to the world.
TIME: Friday 8 May 2015 14.00 -17.30 WHERE: Occupy Democracy –Parliament Square
For details WHERE TO MEET and CONFIRM A PLACE, contact Barb Jacobson:
If the Earth Forum on Friday 8 May is full, you can sign up with Basic Income UK [] for an Earth Forum in the next three months.
For more details about this event, University of the Trees and Social Sculpture see:
Earth Forum- Occupy Democracy – London May 2015-2

February 2015
A group of Earth Forum ‘responsible participants’ have recently carried out the first Earth Fora in China. They were trained by Shelley Sacks last week in the run up to the MAD Forum on 30 Jan – 1 Feb. They have great ideas for continuing the work in Hong Kong. Future actions will be announced […]
Introduction to Earth Forum and University of the Trees at the Dear Earth Conference from the 3rd – 5th October 2014 in Scariff, Co. Clare, Ireland.
The DEAR EARTH Conference event is for people who want to deepen their relationship with the EARTH – finding a way to live in a connective, non-exploitative way with the planet we inhabit, and to further develop as human beings.
Shelley Sacks is running an Earth Forum, giving a talk on Social Sculpture and helping to initiate the first University of the Trees – Social Sculpture academy group in Ireland.
She joins a great line up of people giving talks and workshops at this event. One of these is Michael Schmidt – Farmer and raw milk Campaigner from Toronto, Canada. Ian Castles – co organiser of the conference and social sculpture practitioner – will present his sound chair.
For full programme see:
Free Tickets
Young people between 18 – 30 come and get involved in exchange for a free ticket – we need creative helpers!
UNIVERSITY OF THE TREES – a participatory, international, social sculpture exploring appropriate action through new ways of perceiving our relationship to the world – will be happening for people living in East Clare on Sunday 5th October at 2.30pm as an extra event after Dear Earth Conference. So East Clare will have its own University of the Trees.
Dear Earth Conference is an interactive conference of talks, workshops, music and sharing cafe for people who wish to deepen their relationship with the Earth.
Sarah Thorne – facilitator of the Oxford Unconditional Basic Income Group invites you all to an open meeting.
Barb Jacobson, chair of the Unconditional Basic Income EU group will join us to give a talk about her experiences in the last year and why she thinks the idea has gained so much interest in Europe in the past months.
We will be discussing a number of events, projects and plans to get involved with in the coming months.
All are welcome!
Part of the Social Sculpture Initiative Forum this Saturday 10 May is dedicated to an imaginative exploration of an unconditional basic income.
On Sunday morning, 11 May, there is an additional meeting organised by Sarah Thorne, SSRU Researcher-in-Residence, who has initiated the Oxford Basic Income group.
On Sunday 11 May, Barb Jacobson, chair of the Unconditional Basic […]
Earth Forum is a ‘module’ of the University of the Trees developed in a small village in South Africa in 2002, and then tested for use in Germany, South Africa and the UK since the beginning of 2011. and Germany during 2011. Earth Forum is a mobile, simple but intensive multi-stakeholder process open to everyone. It […]
The SSRU wider network includes people, projects and organisations that are working actively with the SSRU in one or more areas of its activity. Read More
This section contains key questions that inform and inspire our work Read More
Evolution of the Social Sculpture Research Unit Read More
The international interest collective created by Joseph Beuys in the 1970s to further social sculpture Read More
Actions and projects of the FIU branch in South Africa from 1977- 1983 Read More
Open to students from all backgrounds with undergraduate degrees
or equivalent experience Read More
For those with experience in social sculpture or closely related fields wanting to develop a practice-based or theoretical research project in the field of Social Sculpture and transformative / connective practices. Read More
(practice-based, part practice-part text and purely text-based)
For people interested in doing practice-based research and theoretical explorations in social sculpture and related areas. Read More
Building on doctoral research in social sculpture or related fields. Read More
The Postgraduate Administrator
Sue Ash Tel: +44 (0) 1865 484959
Prof. Shelley Sacks
The Postgraduate Administrator Jeannie Heaton Email: or The Postgraduate Tutor Ray Lee
Prof. Shelley Sacks or Jill Organ
Prof. Shelley Sacks or Prof. Paul Whitty Read More